Template notebooks#

These Jupyter notebooks contain code associated with example workflows associated with certain types of data analysis using PmagPy.

MagIC data inspection template 🧐

This notebook enables a MagIC contribution to be downloaded with the directional data within it visualized using PmagPy.

Mean determination template 🎯

This notebook calculates means and associated uncertainty from directional data using both Fisher statistics and a bootstrap approach.

Reversal test template 🧲

This notebook conducts statistical reversal tests on directional data in MagIC format.

IODP template 🌊

This notebook is for people wanting to download and manipulate data from an IODP Expedition using data in the LIMS Online Repository.

Tsunakawa-Shaw paleointensity template 🧭🏋️

This template enables data from Tsunakawa-Shaw method paleointensity experiments to be analyzed using PmagPy (see Yamamoto et al. 2022 for examples; https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GC010391).