Command line programs#
PmagPy can also be used on the command line through the command line programs.
Here is a brief introduction to how the PmagPy command-line programs work. All PmagPy programs print a help message out if you type: “ -h” on the command line. Many have an “interactive” option triggered by typing -i. Many also allow reading from . The help message will explain how each particular program functions. There are some common features for the command line options:
Switches are from one to three characters long, preceded by a ’-’.
The switch ’-h’ always prints the help message and ’-i’ allows interactive entry of options.
Options for command line switches immediately follow the switch. For example: -f INPUT -F OUTPUT will set the input file to INPUT and the output to OUTPUT.
The switch for input files all start with -f and -F for output files.
-spc -sam -sit -syn -loc are switches relating to specimens, samples, sites, synthetics and locations respectively.
Capitalized switches suppress an option (e.g., -A means do not average, while -a means DO average).
-crd [s,g,t] sets the coordinate system
-fmt [svg,png,jpg] the default image format.
-sav saves the plots silently and quits the program
Depending on your operating system, you may need to use a different command to invoke a command line program. See installation instructions for details.
You can see examples for each program on the **PmagPy-cli** page. The data files used in the examples are located in the data_files directory bundled with the PmagPy software distribution.