by Lisa Tauxe, Lori Jonestrask, Nick Swanson-Hysell and Nick Jarboe
PmagPy is a software package for analyzing paleomagnetic and rock magnetic data using Python. These notebooks demonstrate how to use PmagPy in a Jupyter notebook or Python script. For examples of how to use PmagPy scripts on the command line, see the static version of PmagPy_cli.ipynb.
For information on the science of paleomagnetism and rock magnetism, see textbook at:
If you already have some experience working with Python, you should be able to navigate these examples.
If not, we have a full course in Python for Earth Scientists available on Github. To check it out, see:
The functionality of PmagPy is demonstrated within three notebooks:
Functions in PmagPy_plots_analysis.ipynb
Functions in PmagPy_MagIC.ipynb
specimens_extract : makes excel or latex files from specimens.txt for publications
contributions work with data model 3.0 MagIC contributions
conversion scripts : convert many laboratory measurement formats to the MagIC data model 3 format
To use the functions demonstrated in these notebooks, we have to import the PmagPy modules pmagplotlib, pmag and ipmag and some other handy functions. You can run the following commands in a Python environment where PmagPy is installed (i.e., in the Python interpreter, or in a notebook).
import pmagpy.pmag as pmag
import pmagpy.pmagplotlib as pmagplotlib
import pmagpy.ipmag as ipmag
import pmagpy.contribution_builder as cb
from pmagpy import convert_2_magic as convert
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # our plotting buddy
import numpy as np # the fabulous NumPy package
import pandas as pd # and of course Pandas
# test if Basemap and/or cartopy is installed
has_basemap, Basemap = pmag.import_basemap()
has_cartopy, Cartopy = pmag.import_cartopy()
# test if xlwt is installed (allows you to export to excel)
import xlwt
has_xlwt = True
except ImportError:
has_xlwt = False
# This allows you to make matplotlib plots inside the notebook.
%matplotlib inline
from IPython.display import Image
import os
print('All modules imported!')